‘A very stimulating day blessed with fine weather, much interest and many questions generated and lots to take away (including sample sacks of compost for everyone) and think about. Many thanks to Catherine Dawson and Andy Chalmers of Melcourt for their hospitality and generosity, the fascinating presentation on their search
Read more →The PGG Study Tour to Belgium will take place between Friday 10th May 2013 and Sunday 12th May 2013. The visit begins on 10th to the little botanical garden of Leuven together with the city of Leuven. Then on Saturday 11th to the Arbor nursery and a private garden. Finally
Read more →The Ancient Yew Group (AYG) was formed in 2003 to monitor, protect and collect scientific data on old yews; Taxus baccata L. It is sponsored by The Conservation Foundation and The Tree Register. The AYG website includes many field reports and papers on yews, both wild and ‘domestic’ as well
Read more →Plants part one… An inheritance of sorts! As I mentioned last month part of the reason for being patient, in the creation of my garden, was in order to discover what was there already. To be honest arriving in a March snowstorm left me cold (awful pun!), doubting that there
Read more →A very happy new year to all. May I take this opportunity to wish all PGG, friends and supporters a very happy and prosperous new year. Please continue to support the committee and its representatives again this year, we I’m sure will continue to try and steer the Guild to
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