For details on placing a job advertisement in our online job vacancies section contact Peter Fields, telephone 01332 881429 (evening/weekend) or 07768 387453 daytime or e-mail: employment@pgg.org.uk
Advertising within The Professional Gardener and The Newsletter is handled by Hall-McCartney Ltd, the publisher of the magazine, and prospective advertisers should contact them direct.
Email: maz@hall-mccartney.co.uk
Telephone: 01462 896688
Fax: 01462 896677
If you are a professional gardener looking for a new position, or you are an employer with a gardening vacancy, PGG’s gardening employment expert Peter Fields may be able to help.

Employment advice and advertising
The Guild does not attempt to function as an employment agency, nor do we ever recommend individual members to prospective employers. We do, however, have the facilities to advertise vacancies and we are increasingly sought out by discerning employers in search of high calibre staff.
Our membership is probably the largest body of gardeners working in private gardens and estates anywhere and must be the obvious place to seek the services of skilled, experienced and practical staff, be it a Head Gardener, Assistant Gardener or even a Trainee. This growing awareness of the Guild amongst employers of all kinds brings benefits to members, in that the range of vacancies available, often exclusively, to them is also growing, thus widening the choice of those seeking a new post.
Read the PGG 2024 Salaries and Rates Guidelines article
Advertising in the PGG quarterly journal The Professional Gardener and The Newsletter
There are two means of advertising – The Professional Gardener journal which is sent to all our members quarterly i.e. January, April, July and October and The Newsletter which comes out 6 weeks after each journal. Advertising in both publications is handled by Hall McCartney, and prospective advertisers should contact them direct by email – maz@hall-mccartney.co.uk, tel – 01462 896688.
Online job vacancies on the PGG website
Job vacancies are available to members and non-members via our website page. The vacancy can remain on the website for one month or until the closing date, whichever is the sooner. Gardeners can access the area whenever they choose and apply via an email link. Advertisers pay a fixed amount per advert unlike traditional methods of paying per word or column centimetre/inch and as such the advert may carry much more information about the job.
For further details on placing an advertisement contact Peter Fields, telephone 01332 881429 (evening/weekend) or 07768 387453 daytime or e-mail: employment@pgg.org.uk.
PGG ‘Guidelines for Working Conditions’

Download the PGG ‘Guidelines for Working Conditions’ – issued to indicate the standard of working conditions a professional gardener should expect in their place of employment. Under the Health & Safety at Work regulations every employer has a duty to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all his employees.
PGG ‘Responsibilities and Rights of Self Employed’

Download the PGG ‘Responsibilities and Rights of Self Employed’ – There is a range of legislation to protect the interests of the self-employed, and more which defines the responsibilities.