For further details contact Peter Fields, telephone 01332 881429 (evening/weekend) or 07768 387453 daytime or e-mail:
Employment legal advice
The Professional Gardeners’ Guild has available for its members a Legal Advice hot line which members may use to obtain advice from a solicitor on any matter or issue that may have or need help with. The first consultation is free of charge and should it be felt you need further help then the appropriate course of action will be advised.
If you are in need of this service please contact Peter Fields on 01332 881429 or e-mail: and he will give the password and number you will require. You will need to give your membership number so please have it ready when you phone or please include it in your e-mail.
Employment health and safety advice
We have a connection with a national H&S consultancy that can advise you on all matters regarding both H&S and HR (Human Resources). This service is free and they will advise on all things from risk assessments to stress management, toilet requirement and first aid.
To take advantage of this service please email with your query this will then be forwarded to the appropriate department and an email sent back via Tony. Unfortunately you cannot deal direct. If you feel you would like a chat about a problem then please telephone Tony on 01223 571952 and if he can help he will.
Perennial – Your Trade Charity – Helping you year after year
As a professional gardener working in horticulture ‘Perennial’ is your trade charity. Our services are free whatever your difficulty. Together we can support each other to improve the quality of life for horticulturists who are struggling. To find out more information about promoting this fantastic benefit to your colleagues call Jo Ayley at Perennial or email
Perennial provides free confidential advice and support for everyone working in or retired from horticulture, their partners and children. You can receive help through home visits by professionally trained staff, providing solutions to a wide range of life’s unforeseen challenges, which include:
- Accidents
- Bereavement
- Disabilities
- Financial Hardship
- Housing Problems
- Illness
- Redundancy
- Relationship Breakdown
Visit or call:
General Helpline: 0800 210 0547
Debt Advice Line: 0800 294 4244
Enquiry Number: 0815 230 1839