Seeds should be sent in Autumn to:
Tracy Lean
4 Madmarston View, Green Lane
Swalcliffe, Oxfordshire OX15 5EQ
Any enquiries to
NB. This service is available to members only.
Every autumn, PGG members are invited to collect seed of plants in their gardens, and send it to the seed exchange. In January, a list of seed for exchange is sent out to members, who can then request seeds from the list. Those donating seed can request up to 20 packets of free seed, whilst all other members can reuest up to 5 packets of seed.
There has been a diverse range of seed offered over the years but there is always room for more, so if you have something special in your garden that you think others would like then please do send in some seed. Please clean the seed as much as possible and label the envelope clearly, and if you have any helpful germination tips then add those too. All seeds are welcome, from annuals and perennials to shrubs and vegetables.
Professional Gardeners’ Guild Seed List
There is quite a variety, especially as some of our members who live in France, the west coast of Scotland and the Republic of Ireland have in the past sent some that may be on the tender side, as well as some unusual vegetables, so do apply for seeds if you’d like to grow something different this year.
Those who have sent in seed can apply for up to 20 different packets, other members up to 5 packets.
Just in case particular ones are popular, list a few others as substitutes. And remember, I start bagging up requests at the end of January. So if you leave it till February to send in yours, the popular ones may have gone.
Please send your requests, along with a SAE, (a jiffy bag with a large letter stamp is needed for 20 packets) to:
Tracy Lean, 4 Madmarston View, Green Lane, Swalcliffe, Oxon OX15 5EQ.
The deadline for seed requests is 1st March, after which any surplus seeds will be donated to a local horticultural therapy project.