For more information about
PGG North America contact:
Alan Mason

Tel. +44 (0)7932 000856

Lewis Flax carechenthin PLANTS

Professional Gardeners Guild has now launched in USA and Canada

With a small but dedicated group of members in the United States, the Professional Gardeners’ Guild launched the North American branch to cover the U.S.A. and Canada, with the same aims and objectives as the main organisation. It is hoped to bring together gardeners throughout the continent in a similar manner to that in the UK at present.

Regional or state-based meetings

Although covering a much larger geographical area, regional or state based sub-divisions would mean that local meetings could be arranged at members gardens in the same way that they are in the UK. This would further enhance the value of the PGG as a means of communication and information exchange between gardeners, which was the primary aim when the Guild was formed in 1977. Our quarterly magazine, The Professional Gardener, will be received free with membership and hopefully include articles from and relevant to our USA membership.

It is intended to list employment opportunities both nationally and internationally both in the magazine and in the Guild’s own Jobsheet, which is exclusively available to members. In the U.K. many employers now use the Professional Gardeners’ Guild when seeking a gardener; it is hoped that the American branch will eventually be able to offer the same service to both employer and member.

Future plans

The USA/Canada based PGG is a new venture which is, like the U.K. parent, an organisation aimed at serving the gardener employed in private gardens and estates on a permanent, full-time basis, however applications from those employed in other areas that are gardening related will be welcomed and dealt with individually.

We hope to expand our American division to provide a professional service of repute to both its membership and to employers alike. Included in our plans for the future is the real desire to initiate and increase the scope for educational, professional and leisure exchanges between the U.S and U.K. members.

Potential members in the United States of America and Canada are invited to contact the PGG Chairman who will be pleased to supply full details relating to an application for membership along with any other information about the various aspects of our activities.