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Deer Rudding and Askham Hall

May 24, 2019 : 9:00 am4:30 pm

Deer RuddingDeer RuddingAskham Hall

Deer Rudding (left and centre) and Askham Hall
Book Online Or send payment by cheque made payable to ‘The Professional Gardeners’ Guild’ to Tony Arnold, 119 Campkin Road, Cambridge CB4 2NP. For more information contact Tony Arnold – Tel: 01223 571952 Email: chairman@pgg.org.uk.

PGG visit to Deer Rudding and Askham Hall

Deer Rudding

Deer Rudding is a private 8 acre garden set in the lee of the Northern lake District fells and on the bank of the River Caldew. The owners Lynne Carruthers and her husband Peter have been making their mark at Deer Ruddding since 2006 and have opened the garden to the public under the NGS for the first time in 2018. Lynne takes the lead on the majority of the garden maintenance tasks with regular help from local contractors. Inspiration for her design and development of Deer Rudding has come from study courses at Great Dixter and from visits to The Beth Chatto Gardens.

The garden surrounds a former Cumbrian farmhouse and outbuildings with an excellent selection of planting; mixed shrub and herbaceous borders; woodland; meadow grass areas with mown paths and an extensive rockery with sunny aspect. The garden was featured in Cumbria Life Magazine in October 2018. PGG member Janet Queen was the writer and photographer for the article.

Visit www.deerrudding.garden for more details about Deer Rudding.

Askham Hall

A peel tower was built on the site during the 14th century. It passed into the hands of the Sandford family and in 1575 Thomas Sandford had it substantially enlarged. It became a rectory in 1828 and then became a residence of the Lowther family in the 1830s. The 7th Earl of Lonsdale used it as his home after Lowther Castle was dismantled and closed in 1937. Askham Hall became a Grade I listed house in 1968.

Following the death of the 7th Earl in May 2006 the house has been owned by Caroline, Countess of Lonsdale. In 2012 the Countess of Lonsdale and her son, Charles Lowther, arranged the conversion of Askham Hall into a boutique hotel. (Source WIKI).

The formal gardens surrounding the house are grade II listed and include terraces of herbaceous borders and yew topiary dating back to C17. There are meadow areas leading to a woodland walk and wildlife pond and a fantastic, productive kitchen garden which plays an essential role in supplying the hotel, kitchen garden café and The George and Dragon Pub with fresh produce year round. The gardeners extend the season with a greenhouse, large polytunnel and hot beds.

Visit www.askhamhall.co.uk for more details about Askham Hall.


9.00am – Meet at Watermill Café at Priest’s Mill, Caldbeck, Cumbria, CA7 8DR (Note: Deer Rudding is 5 miles from cafe).
10.00am – Arrive Deer Rudding for garden tour.
12.00 – Depart for Askham hall and lunch.
12.30pm – Arrive Askham hall for lunch.
1.30pm – Garden tour lead by Head Gardener Colin Myers.
4.00pm – Tea, coffee, cake.

Address and directions

Watermill Café, Priest’s Mill, Caldbeck, Cumbria, CA7 8DR

Deer Rudding, Hesket Newmarket, Wigton, Cumbria, CA7 8HU

Askham Hall, Askham, Penrith, Cumbria, CA10 2PF


Cost for the day: £20.00


Book Online Or send payment by cheque made payable to ‘The Professional Gardeners’ Guild’ to Tony Arnold, 119 Campkin Road, Cambridge CB4 2NP. For more information contact Tony Arnold – Tel: 01223 571952 Email: chairman@pgg.org.uk.


May 24, 2019
9:00 am – 4:30 pm
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Watermill Café
Priest’s Mill
Caldbeck, Cumbria CA7 8DR United Kingdom
+ Google Map


Tony Arnold
(h):01223 571952