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PGG AGM 2024

September 21, 2024September 22, 2024

€10.00 – €70.00
Mount Congreve Gardens

Photo by Colin Shanahan – DigiCol Photography (c) 2023 – http://www.digicolphotography.com

Book Online The closing date for bookings is Monday 9th September.

The committee is delighted to announce that this year’s Annual General Meeting will be held at Mount Congreve Gardens, County Waterford, Ireland on Saturday 21st of September.

The AGM will take place in the School Room – gathering at 10.00am and the business of the meeting commencing at 10.30am After the AGM is complete (approx. 2 hours) there is an opportunity to get lunch in the wonderful new Stables Cafe overlooking the Gardens. After this at approximately 2.30 we will take a guided tour of the magnificent Mount Congreve gardens.

Mount Congreve gardens

The Gardens comprise around seventy acres of intensively planted woodland, a four acre walled garden and 16 kilometers of walkways. Planted on a slight incline overlooking the River Suir, Mount Congreve’s entire collection consists of thousands of different trees, plants and shrubs. Also at the gardens is The award-winning Stables Café this is a delightful setting for breakfast, lunch, light bite or carvery.

Mount Congreve Walled Garden
Mount Congreve Walled Garden

AGM dinner followed by the Ron Nettle Memorial lecture

In the evening time there will be the AGM dinner followed by the Ron Nettle Memorial lecture which this year will be given by Steven Butler, Gardener and Curator of Horticulture for 37 years at Dublin Zoo. When Steven retired in 2018 he went on to write his book, Gardening for Gorillas, published in 2022. Steven is one of the founding member of the PGG here in Ireland.

Lismore Castle

On Sunday morning we will travel to Lismore Castle this is a one hour journey from Waterford city. Here we meet up with Head gardener and PGG member Colm O Driscoll at approx. 11.00am. Colm will take us on a journey through ancient yew tree avenues, romantic meadows, bountiful fruit & vegetable beds, formal long borders.
The gardens of Lismore Castle, set within the outer defensive walls, are divided into three distinct parts, the Reilig Garden, the Upper Garden, and the Lower Garden. The gardens collectively cover 10 acres and are the oldest cultivated gardens in the country.

The entrance is through The Reilig garden which is so called because there is a medieval graveyard in this area. Some of the walls around this garden date back to the 13th century. The Reilig leads to the Upper Garden which was first constructed by Richard Boyle, the 1st Earl of Cork in about 1605. Most of the walls and terraces remain the same although the plantings have changed to suit the tastes of those living within the Castle. This garden is a mix of ornamental borders and productive areas, with vegetables, herbs, fruit and flowers grown for the kitchen and house.

The Lower Garden was mostly created in the 19th century for the 6th Duke of Devonshire, Sir Joseph Paxton’s patron. Meandering paths lead you through this informal setting of trees and shrubs and out onto open lawns. The stately yew avenue in the heart of the garden is much older than the garden itself. From the spring flowering magnolias and rhododendrons through to the later flowering shrubs and borders there is always something in bloom.

That will bring the 2024 PGG AGM to a close.


Saturday 21 September

10.00am – Meet at the School Room, Mount Congreve Gardens mountcongreve.com
10.30am – AGM commences
12.30pm – Time to visit Stables Cafe (a short walk) where you can choose from a wide selection on the menu (or bring your own picnic).
2.30pm – Guided tour of the gardens.
6.45pm – Pre-dinner drinks reception at Granville Hotel, Meagher’s Quay, Waterford
7.15pm – Dinner followed by the Ron Nettle Memorial Lecture

Sunday 22  September

11.00am – Meet with Head Gardener Colm O’Driscoll for tour of Lismore Castle Gardens.


There are four options:

The Full Guinness
€70.00/£65.00 per head which includes the AGM (free entry). Guided tour of Mount Congreve gardens. A three course meal with a glass of wine in the Granville Hotel with tea/coffee followed by the Ron Nettle Lecture. A guided tour of Lismore Castle Gardens on the Sunday.

The Half Pint
€60.00/£55.00 per head which includes the AGM (free entry). Guided tour of Mount Congreve gardens. A three course meal with a glass of wine in the Granville Hotel with tea/coffee followed by the Ron Nettle Lecture.

The Baby Guinness
€10.00/£10.00 which includes the AGM (free entry). Guided tour of Mount Congreve gardens.

There is no charge to attend the AGM and leave afterwards. Booking is essential for numbers – please contact Brian O Donnell ireland@pgg.org.uk.

NB. None of the options include accommodation which you will have to arrange separately.


Mount Congreve Gardens, Kilmeaden, County Waterford, Ireland X91 PX05
Granville Hotel Meagher’s Quay, Waterford, Ireland X91 XH5R


Book Online The closing date for bookings is Monday 9th September.

More information:

If you require further information please email VC Ireland, Brian O Donnell ireland@pgg.org.uk


September 21, 2024
September 22, 2024
€10.00 – €70.00
Event Category:
Event Tags:
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Brian O’Donnell
086 8285915


School Room Mount Congreve Gardens
Kilmeaden, County Waterford X91 PX05 Ireland + Google Map

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