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Littlethorpe Manor

October 21, 2023 : 10:00 am3:00 pm

Little Thorpe Manor gardensLittle Thorpe Manor gardensLittle Thorpe Manor gardens
Littlethorpe Manor Gardens


Book Online or send payment by cheque made payable to ‘The Professional Gardeners’ Guild’ to Joe Whitehead, 27 Main Street, Barnack, Stamford, Lincolnshire PE9 3DN. Final date for booking this visit and food orders is the 30th September.

An autumnal visit to the beautiful gardens at Littlethorpe Manor followed by lunch, great company, and a horticulturally themed quiz, with prizes!

PGG visit to Littlethorpe Manor

Set in 11 acres of grounds, the garden is on two levels – an upper level of 4 acres around the house, fairly formal in layout, with 7 acres of parkland below. The design is not an attempt at an historical recreation, but more the creation of a garden sympathetic to the Manor and its surrounds. On the upper level, a series of four gardens with different themes are linked together by repeated use of the same hard landscape materials and key structural planting.

The heart of the estate is the walled garden, reflecting Mrs Thackray’s desire to relate the four seasons to the cycle of life. In the centre is Ygdrassil, the Norwegian World Tree – the symbolic Tree of Life. The circular features here are repeated as a theme throughout the garden.

The gardens around the house are increasingly formal. The Sunken garden parterre is based upon the White Rose of York emblem, the clipped box and trelliswork combining well with the white rendered Manor house.

After the visit we will proceed to the Blackamoor pub near Rippon (www.blackamoorinn.com) for hearty food, good conversation and the fun horticulturally themed quiz, with prizes! (NB. lunch not included in the garden visit cost).


10.00am – Meet for refreshments
Followed by guided tour of the gardens
12.30pm – Concludes
1.00pm – Proceed to the lunch venue. Please book the garden visit via the Littlethorpe Manor website, then check out the menu at the Blackamoor a few weeks before the visit and email organiser-northern1@pgg.org.uk with your food order for lunch, we will be placing all food orders in advance.


Littlethorpe Manor, Littlethorpe Rd, Littlethorpe, Ripon HG4 3LG.


£10.00 per person. which will be donated to charity.


Book Online or send payment by cheque made payable to ‘The Professional Gardeners’ Guild’ to Joe Whitehead, 27 Main Street, Barnack, Stamford, Lincolnshire PE9 3DN.
Final date for booking this visit and food orders is the 30th September.


October 21, 2023
10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Event Category:
Event Tags:


Joe Whitehead
07921 617874


Littlethorpe Manor
Littlethorpe Rd, Littlethorpe
Ripon, Yorkshire HG4 3LG United Kingdom
+ Google Map

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