Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

PGG visit to Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, well known for great glasshouses, housing plants from ten climatic zones, mouth-watering exotic rain forests and giant lily pads, landscaped grounds and has the most incredible tree collection in the world, seen from the famous tree top walkway.

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Broadview Gardens, Tonbridge, Kent

The Broadview complex is a wonderful place to spend an afternoon. Located within the College grounds, just outside of Tonbridge, it includes ten acres of beautifully landscaped gardens, a retail Garden Centre, Kent Produce shop, Tearoom and in-house florist.

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Kilmacurragh Gardens, June ’12

Photos from the PGG visit to Kilmacurragh Botanic Gardens and Dargle Glen 30th June 2012 In Kilmacurragh Garden Claire, the education and information officer, was a knowledgeable substitute for Seamus O’Brien who was unable to take us around. There is a great feeling of renewed energy in this garden. The

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Dublin Zoo, June ’12 – photos

PGG Ireland visited Dublin Zoo on the 29th June 2012 Stephen Butler’s tour of the Zoo was as ever stimulating and entertaining. The Irish branch of the PGG was formed in the Zoo and the changes that have taken place in the intervening years are astounding. In the afternoon Stephen

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