Private garden tour, Dublin

With extensive herbaceous plantings, a large wood with a range of rhododendrons, and one of the finest magnolia collections in the country, this garden is rarely seen; it is only the second time it will be open to any tour group. The tour will start at 10.00am. Places are limited so book early.

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Gardens of Northern Ireland – Day 1

Hillsborough Castle and Gardens (left), Rowallane (centre, right) or send payment by cheque made payable to ‘The Professional Gardeners’ Guild’ to Brain O’Donnell, Old Road, Knockcarron, Knocklong, Limerick V35AO23. For more information contact Brian on 086 8285915 or PGG two day visit to the Gardens of Northern Ireland –

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Gardens of Northern Ireland – Day 2

Mount Stewart (left & centre), Mahee Island (right) or send payment by cheque made payable to ‘The Professional Gardeners’ Guild’ to Brain O’Donnell, Old Road, Knockcarron, Knocklong, Limerick V35AO23. For more information contact Brian on 086 8285915 or PGG two day visit to the Gardens of Northern Ireland –

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Dublin Zoo

PGG tour of Dublin Zoo with curator Stephen Butler. Under Stephen’s skilled and dedicated stewardship there have been enormous and exciting changes in the eighteen years since the first PGG visit and the Zoo now boasts plants and plantings that rival any garden.

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Kilmacurragh Gardens, June ’12

Photos from the PGG visit to Kilmacurragh Botanic Gardens and Dargle Glen 30th June 2012 In Kilmacurragh Garden Claire, the education and information officer, was a knowledgeable substitute for Seamus O’Brien who was unable to take us around. There is a great feeling of renewed energy in this garden. The

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Dublin Zoo, June ’12 – photos

PGG Ireland visited Dublin Zoo on the 29th June 2012 Stephen Butler’s tour of the Zoo was as ever stimulating and entertaining. The Irish branch of the PGG was formed in the Zoo and the changes that have taken place in the intervening years are astounding. In the afternoon Stephen

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