The Professional Gardeners Guild Three Year Traineeship Programme In Horticultural Practices.

Fill in the form below to submit your application for a PGG Traineeship.

    Name and address

    * Required fields


    Secondary school

    Further education

    Further Training and Qualifications

    Membership of Relevant Professional Organisations

    Interests and hobbies


    Please provide details over the last ten years, including any unpaid or voluntary work, listing present or most recent em- ployer first. Any gaps in employment dates should be explained. If you have any particularly relevant experience dating beyond the last ten years, please include this.

    Please include Employers details, dates of employment, job title and description.

    If no employment history please enter 'None'

    Employment history*


    (Please state clearly why you are applying for this Traineeship and outline your relevant skills and experience.)


    Please give two references, one of which should be your previous or most recent employer and one horticultural.
    (Excluding members of your family).

    Reference #1

    May this Referee be contacted before interview? (†Please choose one)

    Reference #2

    May this Referee be contacted before interview? (†Please choose one)

    Previous applications

    Have you applied for the Professional Gardeners’ Guild Traineeship before? (†Please choose one)

    UK Driving Licence

    Do you hold a current U.K. Driving Licence? (†Please choose one)

    Applicants from outside the UK, Ireland and Common Travel Area

    Visit the UK Government Common Travel Area guidance website for more information.

    If you are resident outside of the UK, Ireland and CTA, do you have a current work permit covering the period of your possible employment? (†Please choose one)


    I declare the above information to be complete and true to the best of my knowledge. I have personally completed the Application Form.

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